
1. How can I buy IHTIS STREETWEAR products?

Add the desired products to the basket. After you have chosen all the products you want, you can view your shopping cart in the upper right corner of the website. While viewing the cart, you can add a gift certificate or discount coupon, if you have them. You can then choose the delivery option.

After you have checked the contents of the basket and chosen the delivery option, go to "proceed to payment". In the next step, you can enter the gift voucher or coupon code, if you forgot to enter them in the previous step, and enter your payment information. Before completing the order, it is necessary to confirm that you agree to the terms of use and provisions of our website, and then you can click on "Order".

The confirmation of your order (with payment information) will be sent to your email address, please check your spam/junk folder if the email is not in your inbox.

2. How do I choose the right shirt size?

The sizes are standard, choose the size you normally take, and for help you can use the size guide shown with each product. If you choose the wrong size, you can contact us within 14 days for an exchange.

3. I want to order a mobile phone case, but I can't find my model in the list of available models. Can you make a case for my phone model?

Contact us by email at [email protected] or by sending a message to our profiles on social networks (Instagram and Facebook) to check the possibility of making a mask for your mobile phone model.

Shipping & Returns:


1. When can I expect my order to be delivered?

The shipping time depends on the delivery address and shipping method you have selected. Please have a look at our Shipping and Returns Policy for more information.

2. Can I collect the order personal in Zagreb?

The payment information will be sent to your email address, please check your spam/junk folder if the email is not in your inbox. We currently do not have that option, we only offer sent shipments. 

3. Can I exchange the shirt for a different size if it doesn't fit?

You have 14 days to return your order. We will refund the costs if the product is not opened and damaged. For more information please have a look at our Shipping and Returns Policy for more information.

1. What payment options are available?

We accept different ways of payment. Via internet/mobile banking (virman), Credit Cards, Gpay, Apple Pay, iDeal (Netherlands), KEKS Pay (Croatia)

2. Can I pay with card?

Yes, you can read at 1. answer what types of payment we offer.